I've always thought Japanese style was attractive. The space is used visually and the many uses one room can take on. Last year, some time i started looking more into small spaces and tiny houses. My current house, is small but, I have to admit, i haven't been very productive in the way i use it. i sleep in one room, bathe in another, cook in another and so on.
It was after I found http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ and bought jay's book, that i truly began looking at how i used my space. I also visit http://tinyhouseblog.com/ on a regular basis for new ideas, plus the stories of people living small already are inspiring. I have been on a mission to de-clutter and reassess how to use my space, out with the old in with the new or new to me.
I'm not sure what type of dwelling I will end up in, in the future. It could be a yurt or fiberglass camping trailer, but it will be far from traditional. the process has made me ask myself why on earth, would we put roud dishes in a square cabinet? it just doesn't seem to be an efficient
use of space. Hand-me down dishes, mixed and matched. Teacups that don't seem big enough for any kind of tea, except that of imaginery with stuffed animals sitting around the edges of my tiny table. i do appreciate what I was given, but i think the purging process will see the very things i was given to get me started, donated to those more needy than I.
I have come to understand my space and others space and how we value it. I'll let you sit in the corner with me, as long as you don't yell in my ear. Remember the childs toy, a square or ball withdifferent shaped holes? The object, being to fit the shaped blocks in the right holes? Some of us fit in one shape but not the other. While others would like to be one shape and not the one we are. Then there are those, who pretend to be one shape and quite visibly another. We just need to fidn where we fit...even if we are square.
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