The flowers in the photo are Chicory, the whole plant is edible and the roots can be a coffee substitute. I found them along a road that leads into the park, a road i have travelled so much , it was a surprise when i saw the Chicory growing. My eyes have been opened and I can't begin to tell you what to eat or not to eat. I am just learning, I will share what i learn along the way, that may mean i don't post that often. I have seen plenty of people trying to do something, find a group for peer support, but never get to doing what they set out to do.
On the cordage side of things, I have been learning more and have played a bit with the process. I hope to have more in the coming weeks on cordage...maybe a braided cord of some kind.
I almost forgot, the clover I brought home from my hike. Clover was the first wild plant i ever ate, whick i think i learned about from a camp counselor. That seems right now that I think about it, because i came home and ate clover in a nieghbor kids yard. That didn't go over well, because they told their parents...I don't remember getting in trouble for it though.
This brings me to a book i found on Amazon, about harvesting the wild. The write makes a statement about how we could sustain ourselves on wild plants, like we did before we thought people made food. Then i also saw a deck of cards with wild edibles on them. The three books i have and took with me today, don't all have the same info in them. So today i would look at something, look in one book, then check another for more info or better pictures/description.
I would love a concise guide, instead of multiple books.